The AQUA Advisory Group was formed in October, 2015 following two Association “Fish and Lake Maintenance” forums held to obtain Member input on lake issues. Subsequent to the forums, Dave Kamps was appointed as the chairperson of this advisory group. The AQUA Advisory Group is commissioned to make recommendations to the LSA Board of Directors and has no fiscal or contractual powers. They advise the LSA Board of Directors on “all things lake,” with their primary concerns being weed control, lake hazard markings, fish planting and bog removal. The Group, upon the approval of the Board of Directors, is currently managing the “goose control” project.
The most significant responsibility of this Group is to make recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding chemical weed control. The LSA is most appreciative that Dave agreed to lead this Group, as he is a retired professional limnologist (limnology is “the scientific study of bodies of inland waters, as lakes, ponds rivers and streams, with reference to their physical, geographical, biological and other features”). Dave is an excellent resource for the LSA and serves as the official LSA liaison between our Association and our weed control contractor (PLM). Dave speaks the language and is able to make knowledgeable recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Goose Management
Why does Indian Lake have so many Canada geese in recent years? Learn more…
About Swans
The different species of swans on Indian Lake. Learn more…
Weed Control
Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM)
Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) is an aquatic invasive plant that has invaded lakes across the United States. It is native to Europe and Asia and has been known to be in the U.S. since the 1940’s. Learn more…
Wild Celery
Wild Celery, scientifically known as Vallisneria americana and also popularly known as eelgrass and tapegrass, has become one of the most common aquatic plants in Indian Lake. Learn more…
Curly-leafed Pondweed
Curly-leafed Pondweed is an exotic, invasive aquatic plant that was first reported in Indian Lake in May, 2017. Learn more…