Abbott Pavilion
The original Pavilion was built in 1989 from materials donated by Mr. & Mrs. Ben Abbot. At that time the Pavilion was a simple cement floor with roof, and totem pole and was used as a place to hold meetings, community pot luck dinners and dancing on Saturday nights. In 2004 the Board of Director proceeded to enclose and finish the Abbott Pavilion as a community center. Many volunteers and tradesmen donated their time and expertise to finishing the building.
The Abbott Pavilion building, located at 8400 Cheyenne, will hold 125 people and has 14 tables and 125 chairs available for use. The Pavilion has windows, heat and restrooms and outside there is a basketball court, slide, jungle gym and picnic tables.
The Pavilion ( maximum capacity 125 people) is available for rental by Association Members in good standing for social use. No commercial activity is allowed unless approved by the Board of Directors.
The Association Member requesting use of the Pavilion must be in attendance for the entire event. Said member is responsible for any damages, complaints, violation of rules or police/fire involvement. The Association Board reserves the right to check your event, unannounced , to check for rental member presence and potential violations.
A Usage Fee of $125.00 and a refundable Cleaning Deposit of $125.00 must be paid to Lake Shores Association in advance of the usage date. Upon an “after event” inspection by the Pavilion Administrator the Cleaning Deposit will be refunded ( within 10 days ) in whole or in part depending upon the facility condition.
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the Pavilion. Outside smoking is allowable with receptacles present for the proper disposal of cigarette butts. If not properly used, a deduction may be made from the Cleaning Deposit.
NO Fireworks of any kind may be discharged from the Pavilion area. Violation can result in the early termination of your Pavilion usage.
To be respectful of the neighbors, all events must comply with “Quiet Time” beginning at 10:00 p.m. Any amplified sound or live music must be discontinued at 10:00 p.m.
All evening events must vacate the Pavilion by midnight and all cleaning shall be completed by 10:00 a.m. the following day ( unless otherwise arranged with the Pavilion Administrator.) When vacating the facility, all window and doors must be closed and locked.
Fasteners such as nails, tape, wire, paper clips, screw, clips or suction cups are NOT to be used to attach items/decorations to the walls, ceiling or windows.
Cleaning responsibilities: All tables and chairs are to be wiped down and properly stowed on the carts. The floor is to be swept and mopped. Bathrooms fixtures along with the kitchen counter and kitchen appliances are to be cleaned. All trash ( be sure to check the refrigerator) from hall, bathrooms or kitchen is to be bagged and placed in the green trash containers found outside of the building.
Supplies: Bathroom tissue, hand soap, paper towels and cleaning supplies are provided by LSA. Please use them responsibly.
Access to the Pavilion shall be arranged between the LSA Member and the Pavilion Administrator .
Cancellation Policy: A full refund will be made for any cancellation made 30 days in advance of the booked date. A cancellation of less than 30 days may be subject to default depending upon whether other requests had been denied for that event date.
Members may obtain a ”Rental Request Form” here.
Pavilion Rental
Contact Ryan VanSolkema at (616) 914-2573.
Cedar Point Park
Cedar Point Park located on West Suwanee Trail provides a swing set, slide, volleyball and picnic tables. The park has four (4) community private docks on the north side, and six 6) community private docks on the south side, providing 20 assigned boat slips.
Shady Oaks Park
Located on Chippewa Trail just west of Indian Shores Drive , Shady Oaks ( as the name implies) is a place to relax outside of the sun and provides a swing set for the young or old to enjoy. The park has 2 community docks providing 4 assigned boat slips.
Details coming soon…
Details coming soon…
Pawnee Points
Pawnee Points Park , located at the intersection of Apache Trail and Warrior Drive is a park area with a swimming area, slide in to the water, a swing set, monkey bars, and picnic tables.
There is a “bath house” at this park but it is permanently closed.
The west side of Pawnee Points has nine (9) community private docks, providing 18 assigned boat slips.
Pow Wow Point
Pow Wow Point , located at the west end of East Suwanee Trail is a great place to gather and swim. The
Point has a sandy bottom and makes watercraft anchoring easy. There is a nice designated swimming
area. Members should pay close attention, for safety reasons, to the signage and ropes separating the
swimming area and boat area. The Point also has picnic tables.
Tepee Island
Tepee Island has been an important part of the history of Indian Lake. Initially the island displayed a full sized tepee along side an Indian statue and has always been the site used to fire-off the very popular Indian Lake July 4th fireworks. To preserve the island a seawall was installed in the 80’s.
Unfortunately the maintenance of the island deteriorated over time but in 2024 a group of LSA member volunteers completely restored the island to it’s prominence by repairing the seawall, cleaning the overgrowth, grading the surface, planting grass, constructing a new tepee and installing a new flag pole and a number of mooring posts for watercraft.
A sandy bottom around the entire island provides a great swimming area.
Since it’s inception, there has been a tradition for July 4th Fireworks at Indian Lake.
Way back when (1960-70’) a small group of members would gather to select various shells (displays) from a Fireworks catalog which subsequently would be ignited from TeePee Island by other volunteer members.
The Annual Association fees were initially $25 per member, a portion of which was used to puchased the firework for no more than $ 500.00
In the 1970’s a group of members sued the Association for mis-use of funds claiming that no part of the Annual Fee could be used for entertainment purposes. The members prevailed receiving a judgment in their favor. Thus, subsequent to that time the fireworks have been and currently are funded by member DONATIONS.
Each year, along with the Annual Maintenance Fee Billing, the Association solicits FIREWORKS DONATIONS asking members to add a contribution to their Annual Maintenance Fee payment.
The size of the fireworks display is determined by the size of the contributions. The display cost for the July 2024 was $ 11,000.00 all of which was paid for by the donations.
The 2025 LSA Fireworks display is scheduled for: